Dec 15, 2010

I'm not a morning person.

It's not that I'm a total grouch in the mornings. It just takes me awhile to wake up fully. I can't even function until well into the morning, and even then everything's still a little fuzzy. You're probably thinking, "Has homeboy ever heard of coffee?!" 
At this point in my life I could describe my spiritual journey as "waking up" slowly. But then, isn't the normal Christian life all about drawing closer to God and becoming more aware of His will and presence?

Recently while reading through Luke's gospel I took a break in chapter nine. The account detailed here is commonly referred to as the "transfiguration." Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up on the mountain and begins to pray. At some point the three disciples get sleepy while praying. (None of us are guilty of that now are we?) Meanwhile something was happening with Jesus. The Scripture says that His face was altered and His clothes became dazzling white. For one glorious moment in time the Son of God pulled back the curtain of humanity and was literally shining in the light of His divine glory! And what were the disciples doing? Sleeping. Well, maybe not completely asleep but sleepy enough to be clueless about what was taking place. But look what happens in verse 32. It reads, "When they became fully awake, they saw His glory."

I long to see my Savior's face. As long as I am on this earth I want to know Him as much as possible. But it seems that seeking His face is like waking up from a nap for me. I love becoming more and more aware of who He really is. I just need a nudge every once in awhile.

This blog is sort of a chronicle of my journey in seeking God's face. I just want to share what God is doing in my life in hopes that it might encourage you and cause you to long for Jesus as I do. Let's wake up and see His glory!


  1. I know exactly how you feel! This is whats happeneing to me . Seems I have these spells that I seem to be in a fog about it all and need that nudge as well , and I think im in that fog right now. I think its all about distraction and how the ways of the world tend to steer us off track.,I am a self disciplinarian and have to kick myself to wake up!Once I sit down and make time to study it all refreshes my mind and focus returns. I am a child in learning about Jesus so I am forever grasping ahold of what I can. Love this post!

  2. Awesome! God is teaching us something similar in both our lives right now. I was preaching a few weeks ago about being a morning person in our spirit, and how I am not naturally a morning person.

    On seeking Jesus' face, I love how Luke closes the story of the transfiguration. I think Moses and Elijah symbolize the Law and the Prophets, and Jesus talking with them both shows how is in agreement with the Old Testament Scriptures. Then after the cloud disperses and the voice has spoken, the three disciples see no one except "Jesus alone" (v. 36). Man, that gives me chills. I think that is Luke's way of saying that Jesus fulfills the Law and the Prophets, and that when you look into his face you see the whole story of Israel.

    I think Matthew also presents Jesus' teachings in a way that shows Jesus being Lord of the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.

    Just some thoughts the Lord brought to mind after I read your blog. Keep it up G-unit!

  3. The three disciples could have boasted in all the supernatural things they were experiencing, but the Father pointed them back to the main thing, Jesus. It's interesting to note that in 2 Peter 1:16-21, while revisiting this spectacular event, Peter only talks about the Word they heard and the Word (Jesus) they saw.

    It's also interesting to me that Moses and Elijah were talking about Jesus' soon "departure." Moses and Elijah delivered the people from bondage and false gods. Jesus delivered us from the power of sin and death!

  4. Enjoyed reading....
