Do you ever get angry? Every once in awhile I get just plain MAD. No, I don't "show out" in Wal-Mart because the line is too long. And no, I don't fuss at waitresses because my food's not exactly right. But I do, however, get mad at people who do "show out" in Wal-Mart and fuss at waitresses. When I see injustice, a righteous indignation rises up in me. And it should.
You know the verse in the Bible that says you can be angry and not sin? Yeah, it's in there! (Ephesians 4:26) Anger is not sin. The danger comes when you can't exercise self-control and anger turns into wrath.
When Jesus cleansed the temple of the money changers (John 2:12-22) I bet He looked angry to the onlookers. He even made a whip! (Oh yes, He did. Read it again.) He didn't sin though. His righteous anger was founded. His concern was the Father's glory. When people abused His Father's house, He just got plain mad.
Today, I found myself angry at the actions of a few "church folks" who seem to have a sense of entitlement. They want to have everything their way but refuse to do anything for the kingdom of God. They are content to consume and that's all. Know anyone like that? And if that's not enough, they have to be hateful to the other Christians who go out of their way to serve them and provide for them.
While I was steaming over the situation God whispered, "Do you get that angry over your own sin?" Of course, my answer was "no." We are so quick to point out the sins of others while our own iniquity is "not that big a deal." God help us.
When is the last time you were sick of your own sin? When we get fed up with our sin as much as we get fed up with others' sin, we'll have revival.
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