My Bible is full of highlights, underlines, coffee stains, and messy notes in the margin (as any good Bible should be).
I'm more intentional than ever in the stage of my life to write down what God is speaking to me. My Bible looks the way it does because one day my son will read it. As a matter of fact, this is his Bible. He's only four now, but when he's a young man, I'll present it to him. I've written notes in it personally to him. I want my son to love God. I want him to know God in a deeply personal way. I want his eyes to be open to the things of God. That's why I highlighted this verse...
"But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and doesn't know where he's going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes." 1 John 2:11
Bitterness blinds us.
A person who is bitter has no vision. It's like spiritual cataracts. It gets worse and worse until we can't even see where we're going. The longer we let bitterness fester, the more blind we become.
In order to follow Jesus, we must see Him. We must be aware of His presence every day. Bitterness takes our focus off of Jesus and puts in on our circumstances or other people. We cannot gaze on more than one thing at a time. For a kingdom man or woman, our gaze must be fixed on Jesus.
So, if you're bitter, forgive. Move on. There's grace for that! Just do it... today.
Don't make important decisions when you're bitter.
You're not thinking correctly. You'll end up hurting yourself and others. Just forgive. If you haven't forgiven, don't even think about making that decision. Many people live with regret because they acted hastily in reaction to someone or some circumstance. Stop and forgive. Then your vision will be clearer.
Don't take advice from bitter people.
There are a lot of wise people out there we should listen to. And I'm not saying God can't use anybody He wants. But if you're letting a bitter person speak into your life, you're in danger. Don't let a spiritually blind person give you spiritual guidance. That's just crazy.
A clear conscience is a fountain.
So many good things flow out of us when we maintain a clear conscience before God and others. Nothing stifles love, creativity and vision like bitterness. You were born for great things! Never let bitterness choke out your destiny.
This is a father's advice to his son and to everyone who might read this:
Be an unoffendable person. Surround yourself with people who are unoffendable. Pull up bitterness by its roots. Walk in freedom and fruitfulness.
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